Cackleberry close....

Created by Jan 7 years ago
My Mum and Dad were neighbours and good friends with Colin and Diane . When my mum had cancer and I was busy running the home and caring for mum...without fail...the door bell would ring on Saturday or Sunday and Colin would be standing at the doorstep with an apple pie or cake the Diane had made for us with an instruction for "Jan to pop back with pie dish" ...we would enjoy the food...I washed the dish and I would pop back with it as requested each time. Colin and Diane would sit me down with a cuppa and showed such sympathy and support I will never forget. I am forever grateful, that "they took me under their wings"....I couldn't have done it without them. God bless them both. xxx

ps. Colin and my dad were good friends and met for regular Pub lunches...always stories to tell....their booze cruise to France with Yvonne and Ray one of many highlights!

God bless Colin x